With a rise in the prevalence of cervical cancer, it is the right time to be fully aware of this form of cancer.
Here, we will talk more about the sign symptoms of cervical cancer, how cervical cancers can be detected earlier, and preventive measures to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
In 2025 January Months is celebrated as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.
Before moving ahead with the sign symptoms of cervical cancer, let’s have a look at the types of cervical cancer.

What is Cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer is a type of cell cancer that occurs in the cervix. The cervix is placed below the uterus which is connected to the vagina.
Multiple strains of human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, are responsible for causing cervical cancer.
HPV is an infection that passes due to sexual contact. In most cases, when a body gets exposed to HPV, the immune system of the body prevents the HPV virus from causing harm.
However, in some instances, the virus survives for years inside the body. This leads to the transformation of cervical cells into cancer cells. Thus, it is crucial to know and recognize the sign symptoms of cervical cancer.
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Types of Cervical Cancer
As we discussed, certain strains of HPV cause cervical cancer. This happens because HPV has the capability of making cellular DNA changes in the cervix, the changes make the cells grow quickly leading to the formation of tumors.
Cervical cancer is categorized into two different types on the basis of cells in which the cancer starts. The types of cervical cancer are as follows:
● Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cervical cancer that starts in flat, thin cells, known as squamous cells. The squamous cells act like the boundary of the outer part of the cervix.
● Adenocarcinoma
Adenocarcinoma cancer originates from the gland cells. These gland cells are column-shaped and line the cervical canal.

Early Signs Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Usually, cervical cancer is asymptomatic and very difficult to detect at the early stage. The first sign symptoms of cervical cancer can be detected after it starts growing. Following are the major first sign symptoms of cervical cancer:
● Bloody or watery vaginal discharge. The discharge can be heavy and have a bad odor.
● The affected person may experience vaginal bleeding after sex. This happens usually between menstrual periods or after menopause.
● Dyspareunia, having pain during intercourse.
In case, the cancer has spread to nearby tissues or organs, the following sign symptoms of cervical cancer can be detected:
● The urination can be painful, sometimes with blood in the urine.
● Bleeding or pain while pooping from the rectum.
● Loss of appetite, and weight.
● Fatigued body, and a consistent feeling of illness.
● Swelling in your legs or mild backaches.
● Abdominal pain.
Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer
There can be no risk factors or more than one risk factor that can be the cause of sign symptoms of cervical cancer. The following are the risk factors that can be responsible for cervical cancer:
● Smoking
Smoking raises the risk of developing cervical cancer. People who smoke are more likely to develop HPV infections that last longer and are less likely to be cured. HPV is responsible for most types of cervical cancers.
● Not taking Pap tests regularly
People who do not take Pap tests at regular intervals are more likely to get affected by cervical cancer. Pap tests allow the identification of precancerous cells.
● Number of sexual partners
The more sexual partners you have and your partner has, the more likely you are to get affected by HPV.
● Sexual activity
Engaging in sex at a younger age increases your risk of HPV.
● Sexually transmitted infections
Having other sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, raises the risk of HPV, which can cause cervical cancer.
● Weak immune system
If you have HPV and have a weaker immune system, you may be more likely to develop cervical cancer.

Complications in Cervical Cancer
Detecting the sign symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages is very crucial to avoid life-threatening complications.
● Cervical cancer can lead to urinary problems and constipation.
● Cervical cancer can be very painful when it spreads.
● Advanced cervical cancer may even cause kidney failure.
● When a person has cancer, their blood becomes sticky which increases the risks of blood clotting. The blood clotting may slow the blood flow and cause other complications.
● If the cancer spreads to the organs like the vagina, rectum, or bladder, there are chances that the affected person may experience bleeding.
● Surgery of the cervix to eliminate cancer cells is likely to increase the chances of miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies. Hence, depending on the treatment given, the affected person may lose the ability to get pregnant.
● Other side effects may include nausea and vomiting, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue.It is advised to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional when you experience early sign symptoms of cervical cancer so that the complications can be avoided.
Prevention and Risk Reduction
“Prevention is better than cure” is a popular phrase that all of us must have come across. Check out the following preventive measures that you can take to reduce the risk and avoid the sign symptoms of cervical cancer.
● HPV vaccination
Vaccination to prevent HPV infection may lower your risk of cervical cancer and other cancers caused by HPV. Ask your healthcare provider about whether an HPV vaccine is appropriate for you.
● Regular Pap tests
Pap tests have the ability to detect precancerous cells in the cervix. The issue can be evaluated and treated to help prevent cervical cancer.
Most medical organizations recommend starting routine Pap screenings at age 21 and repeating them every few years.
● Practicing safe intercourse
Preventing sexually transmitted diseases can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer. This could involve using a condom whenever you have sex and limiting the number of sexual partners you have.
● Quit smoking
Quit smoking as soon as possible. Seek help from a healthcare professional if you are unable to do it.
The treatment of cervical cancer is possible in the initial stages, but it is very important to first communicate with your healthcare providers to understand the diagnosis and treatment plan.
The treatment may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments.
Talk to a healthcare professional as soon as you get the early sign symptoms of cervical cancer. Do not ignore the dates of regular Pap tests make sure to get them done regularly.
These tests play a key role in detecting cervical cancer in the initial stages when it can be treated.
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